Good afternoon, church!

This week our church will host ten men who are without homes in the gym. Please keep our innkeepers, volunteers, and guests in your prayers

See the weekly e-news below and take note of the WNCCUMC Equip & Connect learning opportunities next week.

I hope to see all of you in worship this Sunday at 9am, 10:45am, 11am, and 2pm.

Grace & Peace

Pastor Caitlin     


WNCCUMC Equip & Connect

Equip & Connect is designed for and open to all local church leaders, including lay leaders, council members, volunteers, and all who lead (or are considering future leadership!). Connect virtually with other church leaders across the conference and learn about roles, best practices, and new ideas for ministry. You may view the sessions and sign up HERE.

Super Bowl Sunday Chili Sale
Buy chili for your Super Bowl party and support the United Women in Faith! The chili will be packaged in pint containers ready to take home. Each pint is $10 and includes Fritos and dessert. It will be for sale in the FLC foyer on Feb 9 from 9:45am until 12pm.

HGUMC Young(ish) Adult Small Group meets weekly in a virtual format using Google Meet on Mondays at 7:15pm. Right now we are going through the Gospel of Luke. Our next meeting will be Monday January 27th and we will focus on Luke 4. Reach out to Pastor Caitlin or the church office if you have any questions.

The Chosen Watch Party and Discussion Group

Season 4 takes place on Tuesday nights at 6:30pm in the Trinity Room. Snacks will be shared. All are welcome!

Wednesday Night Bible Study

All are invited to join us every Wednesday night for Bible study and reflection on Zoom each week @ 7:30pm. The Zoom meeting ID# 81541770673 and Passcode: 522533. Reach out to Pastor Colston or the church office if you have any questions.

Join Bishop Carter and Friends for a One-Year Journey Through Luke and Acts

Start off 2025 joining Bishop Carter and other leaders from our Conference and denomination on a transformative journey through two of the most impactful books of the New Testament—Luke and Acts. Together, they make up 52 chapters, nearly 30% of the New Testament, and offer a compelling narrative of hope, salvation, liberation, forgiveness, and healing. You may click here to learn more. Contact the church office if you want to purchase a book ($1.50 each) for your class or small group. We expect book copies to arrive in the next week.

“Connecting to Creation:” A Creation Care Ministry Workshop

This workshop will be led by Heather Bennett, Director for Blessed Earth Tennessee. In this workshop, you will learn about: Biomimicry and Eco Theology. It will take place on Saturday March 1, 2025 from 9:30am-2:30pm at Harrison UMC in Pineville, NC. The cost is $25 per person. The deadline to sign up is February 1, 2025. You may click here to register.

WECARE: Food Needs

Please help us restock the shelves at WeCare:  mixed vegetables, carrots, peanut butter, and peas. Our WeCare Food Pantry and Clothing Closet will be open on Saturday January 25th from 10am-12pm.


Please consider making a financial donation to the SNACK pack program to help 48 Hickory Grove Elementary School students. If you have any questions, please call Jennifer Stribling at 704-617-2520.

Ways to Help: WNCCUMC Disaster Response

For the latest update on how you can help respond to Hurricane Helene victims can be found on the WNCCUMC website HERE.

Agape Youth Group

Will meet on February 9th from 12 to 2 in the parlor. Lunch will be served and Amy Scott will be speaking on her experiences serving with the World Race.