Ministries >

United Women in Faith

Our Purpose

The organized unit of the United Women in Faith shall be a community of women whose purpose is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative supportive fellowship; and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church.

On-Going Mission Opportunities:

Collecting School Supplies for Hickory Grove Elementary

* Marble Composition Books

* White or Colored Printer Paper

* Pencils (standard #2)


Notebook paper – Wide Ruled

Construction Paper

Hand sanitizer

Book bags of various sizes (Kindergarten to 5th grade)

(*means these items are most needed)


We have five adult circles; each meet once a month*, some in the evening, and some during the day. We also have one teen circle which is presently composed of girls in older elementary and middle high age groups. Most of them attend unit meetings and help with special projects. We're sure to have a circle to suit your schedule! Drop in on a meeting and find out how you can become more involved in local mission projects and get to know some of the women and girls in our church family!

Co-Presidents: Jatana Royster and Mary Wyant

UWF Groups

Group Lydia - 2nd Monday of the month at 2 pm in Trinity Room

Group Hannah - varies:  contact Jennifer Stribling ( or Jennifer Scoggins (

Group Naomi - third Sunday of the month at 1 pm in the Bride’s Room (African Ministry group)

Group Talita Cumi (Latina Women) – last Friday each month at 7:00 pm Contact Pilar Perez (

Check us out on Facebook!!

*Note:  Groups may not meet every month