Good afternoon, church,

Don't forget to set your clocks forward one hour this Sunday for Daylight Savings! 

Please see the weekly e-news below. I hope to see all of you in worship this Sunday at 9am, 10:45am, 11am, and 2pm.

Grace & Peace

Pastor Caitlin     


Children's Ministry Meeting

Our children's ministry leaders will be meeting virtually on Thursday March 13th at 7pm. All are welcome to attend as we discuss Vacation Bible School and our 2025 Easter Egg hunt. You may click here for the Google Meet link.

East Charlotte UMC Collaboration

For four Wednesdays during Lent we will be partnering with Cokesbury UMC, Memorial UMC, and Commonwealth UMC for worship and a light lunch at each of our respective churches. We are asked to prepare a light lunch when we host the service on Wednesday April 16th at 12:30pm. If you might be interested to help prepare sandwiches or provide a dessert, please let Susan Fox know by Wednesday April 9th.

Charge Conference Meeting Update

During the February 19th charge conference, the council approved to start the process of selling our old Prospect cemetery property. If you have any questions, you may reach out to Pastor Caitlin or members of the council.

WNCCUMC Equip & Connect Recordings available

The conference webinars for lay leadership are available on youtube. Please click HERE to access the recordings.

2025 Metro District Servant Lay Training

The Basic and Advanced courses will be offered in person on Saturday March 29th and Sunday March 30th. Please click HERE for the link to learn more and register.

HGUMC Young(ish) Adult Small Group meets weekly in a virtual format using Google Meet on Mondays at 7:15pm. Right now we are going through the Gospel of Luke. Our next meeting will be Monday March 10 and we will focus on Luke 10. Reach out to Pastor Caitlin or the church office if you have any questions.

The Chosen Watch Party and Discussion Group

Season 4 takes place on Tuesday nights at 6:30pm in the Trinity Room. Snacks are shared. All are welcome!

Join Bishop Carter and Friends for a One-Year Journey Through Luke and Acts

Join Bishop Carter and other leaders from our Conference and denomination on a transformative journey through two of the most impactful books of the New Testament—Luke and Acts. Click here to learn more and sign up to receive the weekly discussion guides via email. 

WECARE: Food Needs

Please help us restock the shelves at WeCare:  peas, pork n beans, toilet paper, and bar soap. Our WeCare Food Pantry and Clothing Closet will be open on Saturday March 8 from 10am-12pm.


Please consider making a financial donation to the SNACK pack program to help 48 Hickory Grove Elementary School students. If you have any questions, please call Jennifer Stribling at 704-617-2520.

Ways to Help: WNCCUMC Disaster Response

For the latest update on how you can help respond to Hurricane Helene victims can be found on the WNCCUMC website HERE.